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Candlestick pattern analysis 2021

Examined predictability of future prices based on candlestick patterns

Do candlestick patterns influence future price movment?
Candlestick analysis: All | GROUPED | AAPL | JPM | GOOGL | INTC | CAT | BA

Candlestick charts display the Open,Close, High and Low for a time period (daily, hourly, etc...)

...there are about 60 different patterns of candlesticks, most related to two day patterns. I analyzed the frequency of each pattern and how much each pattern contributed to explaining the future price of the underlying asset.

[add a sub tabbed interface, summary, future1,2,5,10,30] [summary should show top patterns, and examples of them, with the pattern highlighted (and future DATA)] [correlations between LABELS and returns go here]

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